Change Makers / Space Makers
Angela Gooliaff
Life in Colour, Two giant interactive colouring book murals, 2017-2018
Beaty Biodiversity Museum, Vancouver www.angelagooliaff.com
What does change mean to you? How do museums create change in their communities?
Join us on Monday, January 28th 2019 to discuss how museums can make spaces and opportunities for positive change.
This conference is aimed at all staff, volunteers (and those of in between) who work in or are interested in informal education.
Enjoy a full day of workshops, break-out sessions, and engaging seminars. Leave inspired to make a difference in your community!
Don Enright
Don Enright is a visitor experience specialist and interpretive planner. He works collaboratively with parks, historic sites, museums, aquariums and other organizations. His passion is helping people bring their stories to life in order to connect people to places.
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Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tickets: SOLD OUT
Venue: Anvil Centre
*note: lunch not included
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Presenter Registration and Set-up
Arrival. Coffee and light snacks provided
Keynote Speaker: Don Enright
Nikki Berreth "Spacemaking Outside of the Museum"
Meet adult learners halfway - both physically and mentally - by meeting them in a local pub or cafe with an objective "to amuse" or "to entertain", rather than "to teach". In this session, learn about STEAM Comm's "tinkering in the pub" activities, their outcomes and how they compare to space-making for adult learners inside/outside of museums. Join a discussion centred around the benefits, strengths and weaknesses of "outside" programs as well as how participants' institutions could adopt events like these
Celina Starnes "The Perfect Programming Suite"
What is the perfect suite of programs to influence change in our communities? Well, “it depends.” Among all the creative ideas we have for programming, how do we identify the best ones to deliver on? This workshop introduces Stanley Park Ecology Society's program scoring tool that participants will practice using to draw out their programming diamonds in the rough.
Jo-Ann Coggan "Symbiosis"
Each year all of our centres reach thousands of people. What would happen if we interconnected our organizations to provide equal access to available educational resources to all learners across BC? Hear more about Symbiosis and join the discussion that may just connect us all.
Independent Lunch Break
Looking for some suggestions? Click this PDF
Friderike Moon & Bronwyn McNeil "Diversity"
This lively and interactive workshop encourages participants to explore how their identity is informed by privilege and build knowledge to understand the terms diversity and inclusion. Participants will learn to recognize what privilege looks and feels like by reflecting on the dimensions of diversity. Presenters will share their experience in creating welcoming (e.g. sensory friendly) spaces for visitors with different abilities and discuss actionable ways to address inclusion, accessibility and gender equity in exhibits and programming.
Wes Wong, Twyla Exner, Scott Pownall "The Role of Informal Education in STEAM and Maker Education - Community Examples"
The Open Science Network (Vancouver, BC) is a community science lab that runs workshops and classes, mainly revolving around molecular biology and genetics. The goal at the lab is to provide a space for people of any background to come and find out more about STEAM regardless of your background. We also run an event called the Mentoring Cafe that brings together middle school students with STEAM professionals in a "speed dating" format.
Two Rivers Gallery (Prince George, BC) is a public contemporary art gallery with a focus on presenting engaging exhibitions and providing opportunities for lifelong learning. It also houses MakerLab2RG, Prince George's only Maker Space. This unique combination for a Gallery and Maker Space presents incredible opportunities for integrated, interdisciplinary STEAM learning, build bridges between artists, engineers and scientists, and considers the act of making from many vantage points.
The Open Science Network and Two Rivers Gallery will present case studies on STEAM and Maker projects and programs with a focus on youth and underserved populations.
Christina Froschauer "BAG on a Bike: Art Ma(r)k(et)ing Outside the Gallery"
With an increasing disconnect between galleries and the general public, the Burnaby Art Gallery’s program staff embarked on a mission to bridge this divide by creating BAG on a Bike. Inspired by Winnipeg’s Peddler’s Press project, the team emulated this idea by affixing a portable letter press on the back of a bike to not only bring engaging art activities to (or community events)event-going public, but also to create more awareness about the gallery’s offerings. This presentation covers the motivation behind BAG on a Bike, project development and blossoming community relationships, general feedback, and goals for future programming.
Break. Coffee and light snacks provided
Alexa Sigmund "Play-Based Learning: An Opportunity for all-ages"
This workshop will briefly cover the reasons and uses for play-based learning, with a focus on how to apply this skill for older learners (high school and up). The rest of the time will be used to complete an example activity, which will be followed by the opportunity to brainstorm and apply this skill to your own "classroom."
Hannamari Jalovaara and Neal Michael "Body Technology Systems: Processing creative thought and material experimentation"
This presentation describes a collaborative project between Neal Michael & Tammie Stockli - teaching partners at Guildford Park Secondary, their grade eight students, and visual artist Hannamari Jalovaara. In addition, the collaboration included Sunshine Frère from New Media Gallery (NMG) and their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) based approach to explore the connections between art, mathematics, science and other curricular areas. With a focus on process and inquiry-based learning, students used innovative littleBits technology and diverse materials to explore some of the big ideas in two of the gallery’s exhibits during the creation of two human size Futuristic Frankenstein monsters
Sanya Pleshakov and Meagan Innes “First Peoples Principles: Truth Telling at Interpretive Sites"
This session explores how the First Peoples Principles of Learning can be a key tool in framing both the development and delivery of Indigenous programming at interpretive sites. Meagan and Sanya will share some of their experiences working with local First Nations to change interpretation and make space for Indigenous voices at Burnaby Village Museum. Participants will have a chance to reflect on their own practice, participate in smaller group work, and leave with some resources and ideas to apply in their own institutions.
Break. Coffee and light snacks provided
Michael Schwartz, Andrew Hildred, Danika Strecko, and Stephanie Lim. "It's The End of the World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine"
Is the world bringing you down? Did that visit to the museum leave you even more depressed than before? As museum professionals we want to tell honest and authentic stories to our visitors. But what if your story reveals a difficult past or an uncertain future? How do we empower students and visitors to leave the museum with a positive, proactive mindset instead of a feeling of doom and gloom?
What about museum spaces? Many museum programmers face challenges when presenting programs to groups. Exhibit spaces are small and constrained by artifacts or exhibit design. How can we spatially rethink the museum to better serve our visitors? What if we don’t have a museum to program? How can we reimagine our programming spaces to better tell our stories and engage our audiences?
4:30pm to 6:30pm
Social at Fraser River Discovery Centre
*Note: Exact timing subject to change
We acknowledge we are meeting on the traditional ancestral unceded territories of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Kwikwetlem, Musqueam, Qay Qayt, Sto:lo, Tsleil-Waututh and Tsawwassen. We recognize that we may have missed Nations in this acknowledgement. Please reach out to us at lmmemarketing@gmail.com to further the conversation.