Join us on January 29th to unpack and breakdown the big ideas of today: inclusivity, creative thinking, social responsibility, and innovation.
Enjoy a full day of workshops, break-out sessions, and engaging seminars.
This conference is aimed at all staff, volunteers (and those of us in-between) who work in or are interested in informal education.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jennifer Gardy will be presenting 'Project SciCAT: Bringing Science Communication Training to the Community'. In this keynote, we’ll cover the why and how of Project SciCAT, and dive into some of the lessons and interactive activities the team has developed.
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Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Early Bird Tickets: $32
Venue: Vanier Park
Interested in Volunteering? Fill out the boxes below:
Volunteer Opportunities
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LMME 2018
Big Ideas: Museums and Momentum
Conference Schedule
COFFEE & NETWORKING (8:30 – 9:00 AM)
WELCOME (9:00 – 9:30 AM)
Project SciCAT: Bringing Science Communication Training to the Community
Presenter: Dr Jennifer Gardy, Canada Research Chair in Public Health Genomics, MSFHR Scholar, UBC School of Population and Public Health, BC Centre for Disease Control
The STEM community - especially our younger members - are intrigued by science communication, whether it’s as a career choice or a professional development activity. Unfortunately, there is minimal training available to the community - learning opportunities tend to come in the form of a formal university course, attendance at an intensive (and usually expensive) workshop, or one-off workshops. In 2017, a group of Vancouver-area science communicators launched the SciCATS project (Science Communication Action Team!) - an initiative aimed at putting free, Creative Commons-licensed sci-comm training materials online. Visitors to scicats.org can download text-based materials to teach themselves, download slides and a facilitator’s guide to use in teaching the materials to others, or book a workshop with a SciCATS facilitator. In this keynote, we’ll cover the why and how of Project SciCAT, and dive into some of the lessons and interactive activities the team has developed.
BREAK (10:30 – 10:45 AM)
Young and Old: Thinking creatively about volunteers [Panel]
Let's share some creative ideas around volunteers and volunteering. We'll look at some challenges and creative solutions to creating an intergenerational volunteer pool. Hear about Burnaby Village Museum's Volunteer Emeritus program and the Family Volunteer Program at the Vancouver Aquarium as well as many more ideas to stimulate your volunteers and volunteer programs!
Andrew Hildred, Programs Coordinator, Vancouver Maritime Museum
Lindsay Baker. Manager, Volunteer Services, Vancouver Aquarium
Dianne McLeod, Assistant Programmer / Volunteer Coordinator, Burnaby Village Museum
Community Centred Program Creation [Presentation]
Presenter: Samantha Nock, Education Programming Coordinator, Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art
Engage in a discussion based presentation on what it means to have Indigenous community centred education programming that is for, and created by, Indigenous communities, leaders, and youth. Learn about one gallery's methods on potentially facilitating the shift in institutional power from gallery to community.
About the Presenter: Samantha Nock is a Cree-Metis writer, poet, and educator from Northeastern BC. She is currently the education and programming coordinator at the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art.
10 Considerations When Planning an Innovative, Interpretive Event [Workshop]
Facilitators: Meghan O'Connell, Special Events Assistant, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks; Lori Bartley, Park Interpretation Specialist, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks
Join interpretive staff from Metro Vancouver Regional Parks as they walk you through ten considerations of planning an interpretive event. Get a close-hand look at props and decorations that provoke curiosity, attention and interest in audiences and how they’re used to reveal an enchanting world of nature.
About the Facilitators: Lori Bartley is the Park Interpretation Specialist for Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and loves being able to share her enthusiasm for nature with visitors in a creative, entertaining and educational way.
Meghan O’Connell is the Special Events Assistant for Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and will happily direct you to your next adventure to a Regional Park nearest you!
A Moose and a Beaver Get in a Canoe: Designing a Photo Op [Discussion]
Facilitator: Raymond Nakamura, Writer/Educator/Cartoonist, Raymond’s Brain Consulting
In the age of the selfie, providing relevant, fun, and memorable photo ops can enhance the experience of an exhibit or program, make it more memorable, and help you market it to a wider audience. This presentation will explore some ideas for help organizations of all sizes develop an effective photo op.
About the Facilitator: Raymond Nakamura has been involved with developing fun, interactive educational experiences in the lower Mainland for over 20 years, working with the Vancouver Aquarium, Science World, the Nikkei National Museum and others.
Hey Siri, what now? [Workshop]
Facilitator: Naomi Higo, WetLab volunteer educator, Ocean Wise
If Siri knows all the answers then what are we here for? Real life experience, engagement, mental and physical stimulation. Hey Siri, what now?
About the Facilitator: Naomi has a B.Sc in biology from SFU and a Provincial Instructors Diploma from VCC. She has been volunteering as an educator at Ocean Wise (the Vancouver Aquarium) for seven years.
Going Green: Nature as a Teaching Resource [Workshop]
Facilitator: Natalie Gray, Field Trip Coordinator, Vancouver Botanical Gardens Association; Chantal Martin, Youth Programs Coordinator, Vancouver Botanical Gardens Association
In this workshop, we will introduce how to use nature as a teaching resource to engage children in critical and creative thinking, and social responsibility- all Big Ideas highlighted in BC’s new curriculum. Participants will be invited to practice engaging and inquiry-based activities as a way to expand their capacity and confidence to teach youth in an outdoor setting, using limited materials or props. This workshop will be held outside, so be prepared for the weather!
About the Facilitators: Natalie Gray and Chantal Martin engage youth at VanDusen Botanical Garden by providing fun and exciting opportunities to explore the natural world through discovery and inquiry.
LUNCH (12:15 – 1:15 PM)
Adult Education in the Post-Truth Era [Discussion]
Facilitator: Ruth Sharpe, Manager of Public Programs, Ocean Wise (The Vancouver Aquarium)
Public education in the post-truth era seems to be an ever-harder task. Luckily, there is a lot of robust scientific and psychological research that provides us with mechanisms to successfully educate and motivate individuals, alongside debunking ‘alternative facts’ and correcting misinformation.
About the Facilitator: In August 2017 Ruth received her PhD in Zoology from UBC. While completing her PhD, she also worked as Executive Coordinator for Let’s Talk Science UBC. In September 2017 she started as Manager of Public Programs at The Vancouver Aquarium.
Moving Forward: Indigenous Relationship Building [Panel]
This presentation is a case study that focuses on Burnaby Village Museum's and the Surrey Museum’s experiences in rewriting Indigenous education programs to reflect recent changes in the provincial school curriculum. Attendees will discover how the rewriting process turned into a valuable learning experience in working with Indigenous partners, and attendees will benefit from both the Museum’s mistakes, successes and learned best practices.
Lorenda Calvert, BA, MMED, Education and Public Program Coordinator at Burnaby Village Museum. Sanya Pleshakov, Museum Programs Coordinator at Burnaby Village Musuem. Sandra Borger MA, Cultural Resource Diploma, Visitor Experience Coordinator at the Museum of Surrey.
A Shocking! Program Development Skills Workshop [Workshop]
Facilitators: Rachael Bell-Irving & Stephanie Chong, Curriculum Programs Coordinators, Ocean Wise
You are being offered a big grant on the condition that you run an educational, hour-long program, all about electricity. Learn how shockingly easy it is to create original inquiry-based programming that can be used for any institution, on any topic.
About the Facilitators: Rachael Bell-Irving graduated from the University of Guelph with a BAS, specializing in Zoology and Classical Studies. She is striving for a career in the museum industry and is currently working for Ocean Wise to grow their digital programs. Stephanie Chong is an educator, entrepreneur and museum professional with a Masters in Museum Education from the University of British Columbia. As a member of the LMME committee, she is excited to be contributing to the industry with new and innovative ideas for education.
Breaking Bread, Building Community [Presentation]
Presenter: Michael Schwartz, Director of Community Engagement, The Jewish Museum & Archives of BC
Drawing upon the lessons learned through developing and delivering The Chosen Food and The Kitchen Stories, this presentation will spark discussion about how museums and cultural institutions can present content through unconventional formats (i.e. alternatives to exhibits), and provide settings for community members to tell their own stories with minimal mediation.
About the Presenter: Michael Schwartz is Director of Community Engagement at the Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, where he has developed and implemented innovative public programs including, most recently, the Chosen Food Supper Club and the Kitchen Stories podcast.
Growing Pains: Volunteer Engagement In Small Museums [Presentation]
Presenter: Carina Harris, Event and Volunteer Coordinator, Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
Alex Tse, Volunteer Coordinator, Richmond Olympic Experience
Join volunteer coordinators from the Richmond Olympic Experience and the Gulf of Georgia Cannery discuss their efforts in enhancing volunteer engagement in their organizations. Speakers will share their stories of challenges, successes and what they have learned for their volunteer programs in a small museum setting.
About the Presenters: Alex has been a communications, volunteer manager, and event planning professional since 2010. Her community involvement has included work as a communications officer for the Administrators of Volunteer Resources BC, volunteer management consulting with Art for Impact and the Media Democracy Project, and fitness instructor for the Richmond High School Dragonboat Team.
Carina Harris received her Bachelor's of Education from UBC in 2015, specializing in primary years, before entering the world of museums and education beyond the classroom.
Local History Kits: A Collaboration Between The Chilliwack School District And The Chilliwack Museum And Archives [Presentation]
Presenters: Stephanie Clinton, Education and Engagement Coordinator, Chilliwack Museum and Archives; Lisa VanDalfsen, Grade 6 teacher, Promontory Elementary school
Focused on local content and place-based learning, this collaboration between the Chilliwack Museum and Archives and the Chilliwack School District created the perfect opportunity to use preexisting resources and get them into the hands of students. The partnership involved a team of teachers across different grades to tap into the museums and archives resources and connect them in a meaningful way to the new curriculum. The lessons and activities are designed to address Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content in a variety of subjects and grades. The presentation will include an overview of the project, a discussion of lessons learned when working between the two organizations and an exploration of the first completed kit.
About the Presenters: Stephanie Clinton is a certified teacher and has been working in informal arts and culture education for 5 years. Lisa VanDalfsen holds a Master of Education and has worked as the Elementary Helping teacher in the curriculum department for School District 33.
BREAK (2:45 – 3:00 PM)
Symbiosis- A First-of-Its-Kind Learning Ecosystem for British Columbia [Panel]
Science World BC is spearheading the creation of Symbiosis, a deeply collaborative STEAM learning ecosystem. Driven by a diverse network of cross-sector partners, Symbiosis will become a vibrant model for scaling the kinds of learning and careers needed in a knowledge-based economy.
Dr Maria Issa, Clinical Associate Professor, UBC; Director, Pathology Education Centre
Madeleine Guenette, Science Fair Foundation of BC
Aaron Davis, Director of Instruction (Acting) at the Vancouver School Board (formerly principal at Templeton Secondary)
Karen Lee, Program Specialist, Science World
Big Ideas, Small Budgets: How to Make it Happen with what you Have [Workshop]
Facilitator: Tori Pudde, Education Programmer, Royal Alberta Museum
Many museums struggle with balancing small budgets with innovative ideas for programs. In this hands-on, activity-based workshop, you will learn how to leverage what you already have with what you want to do, using a variety of low-budget and DIY resources.
About the Facilitator: Tori Pudde is an Education Programmer at the Musée Héritage Museum in St. Albert, Alberta. She recently completed a Master in Museum Education at the University of British Columbia.
UBC’s Community Field Experience – Connecting Teachers and Museums via Practicum Experience [Panel]
How do we help classroom teachers integrate learning outside the classroom in an authentic way? Start them thinking about it before they even begin teaching in the classroom. UBC’s Community Field Experience evolved from a pilot program, the Extended Practicum Beyond the Classroom initially pioneered in 2005 provides important opportunities for beginning teachers to understand the art of education through teaching practices in museums. It is now a core element in UBC’s Teacher Education program. This session will talk about the philosophy and development of the program, the impact on pre-service teachers’ and museums, and how museum educators can make the best use of teacher candidates placed with their organization.
Dr David Anderson, UBC
Lisa McIntosh, HR MacMillan Space Centre
Emily Ooi, Richmond Museum
Members of the 2018 conference organizing committee will lead this interactive session to wrap up the conference. We will reflect, share, and think about how lessons from the conference can inform our own practice.
Join us at the Vancouver Maritime Museum for beer, wine, and activities to finish the day.